Thursday, March 18, 2010


In Jack's bed without fussing.

Two step, three step.. four step MORE

We posted on December 4th that Baby Baker was scrawling. Well, now days he is walking around with that big old smile on his face. We started out with the two step and pushing around toys to mostly walking in about 10 days.

He is a happy boy unless he is hungry, needs a change or very tired.

Eat? Did somebody say eat? This kid beat all in that department. We're afraid he is going to pop. We feed him everything that the adults eat and hasn't had a reject yet-- there was some stringy avocado that papa tried to pawn off that no one would eat.

Our first word was Mama which is more like ma ma ma ma get the idea. We're also doing a lot of ah ah ah ah; sometimes as part of a trio with Jack and Papa.

Papa reported on Facebook that he sometimes uses the nick name Wee Willie Wallace for Baker. There were some comments that maybe he would want to loose that before to long. Not to worry, his teachers a school call him Bulldozer. Our boy moves along till he hits an obstacle then puts his head down, start grunting and keeps on pushing. I've seen him crawl right over Jack doing this little trick. It's hard to get mad at him because he keeps on smiling.

Mamoo Baker would be proud of Bulldozer with that big toothy smile and red hair. He's a real Irish throw back and would have fit in great with the MacMurphys 150 years ago.