Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Funny bunny gets a haircut.......

Papa took me to get a hair cut. I have a new barber and her name is Ms. Banana --Katana. Papa said he was ready to throw in the towel when I cried but Ms. Banana held me in her arms till I stopped. After that I found out getting a haircut was fun. I got a cookie for being a big boy.

I like to wake Papa up in the morning. He hides under the covers and tell me to go away. Sometimes I have to march upstairs 4 times before he gets up. Papa can't smile till he has Papa coffee. After Papa coffee we walk Tudor and Dede. I like to watch Dede poop. Sometimes I follow Tudor into the bushes and once into someones back yard but Papa got mad.

Yesterday we got our Christmas tree. Mama put balls and lights on the tree. Papa drank a Papa drink. Who is Santa Claus? Papa says we got one more year before things get really crazy. Mama and Uncle Clark took me to see the boat parade and lots of lights.

Things I know and do:

1. know red and white colors most of the time.
2. I like things to be in their place and tell Mimi and Mama when they aren't.
3. I'm always ready for bed before 9:00 PM.
4. I'm really good with directions and know how to get to Mimi's and Uncle Clark's house.
5. When I'm in the mood I can count to 10 with some help.
6. I practise talking all the time and can make people understand what I want most of the time.
7. I put two bar stools together and climb all over them.

1 comment:

Alicia W. said...

Hello from SC!! I saw you lived here as well and just wanted to say a friendly hello. :o) Love your blog.